Laser Hair Removal

Traditional methods of removing unwanted hair, such as shaving and waxing, are inconvenient, time-consuming, and often painful. Laser Hair Removal is a safe, non-invasive treatment that permanently reduces or eliminates unwanted hair in a series of treatments.

Laser Hair Removal

The laser works by targeting pigment and converting it to heat. This destroys the hair follicle and prevents future growth.

Compared to the cost of waxing or shaving, laser hair removal costs less in the long run. However, the initial costs are significant. The amount of money you spend depends on the number of treatments needed and the body area.

The type of laser and the skin and hair color are also factors in determining the cost. The laser’s spot size and fluence are important for effective treatment. The spot size determines how much energy is delivered to the hair follicle, and fluence controls how quickly the heat is applied.

Different types of lasers target hair follicles based on contrast, and some work better on specific skin types. Lasers with a lower fluence, for instance, may not be as effective for dark skin and dark hair.

If you’re concerned about the cost, look for discounts and package options. You might also consider a financing option. Make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully before signing up. You can save more by choosing a specialist in an affordable location and scheduling your sessions at 4-to-6 week intervals.

Home laser kits are available for people who want to remove unwanted hair themselves, but they are not as safe or effective as the medical devices used by qualified professionals. These kits can be dangerous to use during pregnancy or when you are taking certain medications.

Most people see a significant reduction in the amount of hair growth after their first treatments. Some hair may grow back, but it will be thinner and lighter than before. It isn’t possible to completely stop hair growth from any area of the body, though. Touch up maintenance treatments are required over the years to keep the results of laser hair removal.

Some insurance plans cover laser hair removal, but many do not. Check with your insurance plan to see what the requirements are. In addition, ask your doctor or nurse if you can get a rebate for the procedure. You can also try to find a laser hair removal specialist that offers a patient payment plan or financing options, which can help you afford the procedure without spending a lot of money upfront.


Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted facial and body hair. It uses pulses of laser light to target the hair pigment and destroy the follicle, making it unable to produce new hair. The number of sessions needed to achieve permanent results varies by person, but most people require six sessions. The procedure is performed by a licensed medical professional.

While laser hair removal is considered a cosmetic procedure, there are some risks associated with it. These include potential skin changes (hyper- or hypopigmentation), skin discoloration, scab formation, blistering and scarring. During your consultation, your doctor will discuss these possible side effects and their likelihood with you.

Your doctor will also review your past health history and conduct a physical exam to evaluate your overall health status. He or she will take into account your specific expectations and goals. This information will help the doctor choose the right laser type and settings for your treatment area.

The most common safety precaution to be taken is to avoid excessive sun exposure before and after your procedure. The laser used for hair removal makes the skin sensitive to UV rays, which can cause hyperpigmentation and sunburn. To prevent this, your physician may recommend using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

During the actual procedure, your technician will put a protective gel or numbing cream on the targeted area to protect it from the heat of the laser. Then, the technician will place a handheld device against your skin and deliver pulses of laser light. This may feel like a warm pinprick. Most people describe the sensation as similar to a rubber band snapping against their skin.

Besides avoiding excessive sun exposure, you should also avoid hot showers and baths after your laser treatment. These can irritate the treated area and cause the skin to become scaly, red or puffy. In addition, you should refrain from shaving and waxing the targeted area for up to 48 hours after your treatment. Lastly, your physician will likely advise you to avoid tanners or tanning beds as these can increase the risk of complications.

Side Effects

Laser hair removal uses pulses of light to heat up and destroy the follicles responsible for the growth of unwanted hair. It’s safe for most people but there are some potential side effects that may occur during or after a treatment. These side effects are normal and usually go away within two or three days. The most common are redness, itching or swelling of the skin in the treated area. These are caused by the damage to the follicles and are not harmful or dangerous.

The procedure can cause discomfort and may take a while to complete, depending on the size of the area being treated. It’s often described as a feeling similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin. A topical anesthetic can be used to minimize this sensation. The follicles can also be temporarily inflamed, which causes the skin to tingle and may appear to swell slightly. This can last for a few hours and is usually relieved by applying lotion or anti-inflammatory cream.

Some patients may require a number of treatments before the unwanted hair can be completely removed. This is because the laser only effectively targets hairs during a certain phase of their growth cycle, and these phases might differ for different body areas. It’s important to discuss the treatment plan with your doctor before undergoing laser hair removal to make sure it’s right for you.

Other possible side effects include pigment changes (skin darkening or lightening) and blistering. However, these are rare in the hands of a qualified practitioner.

It’s a good idea to avoid sunless skin products that darken the skin and to limit plucking, waxing or electrolysis treatments before receiving laser treatment, as these can interfere with the ability of the laser to target the hair roots. It’s also a good idea to ask your doctor about any blood-thinning medications you might be taking before undergoing laser treatment, as these can reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

It’s also a good idea to shave the area to be treated 24 hours before your appointment. This can help improve the results of your treatment because the laser will be able to more easily see the hairs on the surface of the skin, says Dr. Malik.


Laser hair removal is an effective way to reduce unwanted body hair. It is not, however, a permanent solution. Hair can grow back, although it may be lighter, thinner and finer in texture than before treatment. Additionally, the number of treatments required to achieve optimum results varies from person to person. It can take anywhere from six to eight sessions to remove all of the hair from a given area.

Before the procedure begins, technicians clean the areas of skin that are to be treated and sometimes apply a topical anesthetic or cooling gel. These are intended to minimize any discomfort from the high-energy light that is being emitted from the laser. Once the technician starts the procedure, you will feel a slight discomfort as the laser passes over your skin. This sensation is most noticeable when the laser is aimed at an individual hair follicle, which will produce a slight prick of pain.

After your laser hair removal session, you should avoid shaving and plucking the affected areas. Instead, you can use a gentle moisturizer. This will help keep your skin from becoming itchy and dry after the treatment. You can also reduce redness and swelling by wetting a washcloth with cool water and applying it to the affected area. If you experience crusting in the area, a doctor may prescribe a steroid cream to help prevent scabbing or scarring.

During the recovery period, you should not apply any other products to the area of your skin that has been treated. This can irritate the area and cause more pain and discomfort. You should also avoid sun exposure. The UV rays in sunlight can affect the results of your laser hair removal.

You should also make sure that the technician performing your laser hair removal is a trained professional. You can check their credentials by ensuring that they are licensed and registered. You should also ask about their training and expertise, as well as any previous patients that they have worked with on this type of procedure.

In most cases, laser hair removal is a safe and effective procedure for those who want to remove unwanted body hair. It is not, however, suitable for all people. Only hair with pigment will respond to the heat from the laser, and dark or tanned skin can make it difficult for the laser to target individual hairs effectively.